Monday, September 6

Dinar kelantan


Ente kalah lah, ente kaya…

Anda mahu uwang..apa itu uwang???  Ente guna dinar lah…dinar!! Eh, tak percaya?? Bukan, ini bukan cobaan, ini betul betul…. Aduh berapa kali aku nak cakap, “Ini buka COBAAN, ini BETUL-BETUl”…

Ya saya, anda tidak salah baca, anda bukan berada di arab dan anda juga bukan membaca review filem P Ramlee… Kelantan kini sudah ada dinar…baca petikan ni..

“This is the first time in the last 100 years, since the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate, when a Muslim government introduces Shariah Currency.  Indeed there has been four generations of Muslims who have not seen Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham; four generations of Muslims who have been divided into little national reservations and sentenced to permanent robbery first by local, then by international Masters of Riba; four generations of Muslims who haven’t known what is their Deen.  The introduction of Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in the state of Kelantan is not a new idea or experiment, it is the return to the medium of exchange that has been known for 1400 years throughout Dar al-Islam as Money of Shariah taking its legislation from Allah’s Revelation and Rasul’s Sunnah.” []

Fuhh… bangga habis ah..(walaupun aku tahu lambat lantaran tak tgk berita sgt)… mintak mintak la aku dapat satu dinar ke, satu dirham ke untuk raya ni…. Ente mahu kaya lah… ente mahu beli rumah besar lah.. ente mahu isteri besar lah..ehh…jap-jap..teettttttttttt…. yang last part tu tersalah ye

1 comment: said...

Engkau mau mobil yang besar, engkau mau rumah yang besar...
engkau mau yang besar-besar saja...

P/S: Pianka - Mau yang besar

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