Sunday, September 19

Lets S.T.U.D.Y

Habis raya, back to business…
Owh GOD… im feeling really exhausted and less motivated to study right now… as usual it is… the post-holiday feelings…. Sigh… naw’ah.. don’t look at me that way.. everyone has it… no no no... don’t lie... I said EVERYONE!... having such feelings can really knock you down… worst if u are a student like me… feeling down in everything… even not that interested to go to the café for a bite… going into slumber in everything…
Come on… this time of the year is where u need someone so bad… a friend, a foe, a mother, a father, a role model to get u going…. U know, figures to set examples at… for me I rather choose a friend… someone that kindly says, “Hey dude, come to the library, lets study!”… wow.. those words would really be music to my ears… it is true what people say, happy friends are easy to come by but mourning friends are hard to find… or is it just me??? People doesn’t want to share difficult moments with me?? Is that it??? Whoah.. that is sure were tough thoughts.
Seriously, can anyone come knocking at my door and say “Dude, can u help my with my revisions??”… that would be so nice… hahahaha.. dreaming again.. that wuld never be the reality.. I’m not the kind of guy anyone would approach for study problems… I’m the class clown… not the study type… huhu.. guess that’s it… I’m going to be studying alone now… really miss the old days in SMKLY where everyone get together, copying answers, asking this and that… a real studying environment… it’s hard to find such these days… university is not really a good supporting study environment… too much aspect of life to be taken care of that group studies really doesn’t matter much anymore… well then, lets S.T.U.D.Y
Sleeping Time Until Deadbeat Yourself

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